Sunday, January 31, 2010

I think that I am on a health kick.

I am going down a new path in life. One that I have not previously been on, but I now feel that it is time. I am going to get healthy. There is a list of many things that I am going to do.

1. I am going to eat 1 yogurt for breakfast everyday and have a v8
2. I am not going to eat any junk except on the rare occasion. I want to get healthy not punish myself.
3. I am going to start a work out routine.
4. Starting this Tuesday I will be starting yoga again. It is free with my membership, and I love yoga so this works well for me. Do not roll your eyes at me unless you have tried. If you have feel free to roll eyes.
5. Every Wednesday morning I will be running on the tread mill, and working on toning long lean muscles.
6. I am going to practice portion control.
7. I will be making sure that I replace about 70% of the greasy meals with salad.
8. I am going to try to keep up with things, like my eyebrows ( uh, did I really just admit that online.)

Well, that is my list I will be posting on Sunday nights how things are going. Please wish me luck and pray for.
You may be asking why I am going to do this. The answer is simple. It is all for me. Since I had my daughter I have let myself go and the tire around my middle when i put my jeans on is quite frankly driving me nuts. I would like my clothes to fit, and I would just like to feel good about me. I want to wear nice things and not feel the need to hide the shall we shall poofy parts lol.

In other news. Both of the boys are still sick, and Jessie is still crabby. Lord help me, I am going to lose my mind. Half of the reason the whole treadmill thing sounds like a wonderful idea (stress relief) I think that it is very import to have have something small to do to refresh yourself, it just plain makes you more pleasant to the people around you. Well I am going to get some cleaning done and head off for some shut eye. God bless and goodnight.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wow, I made something!

So last night a friend was saying that she did not have enough training pants, and her mom said that she could just make some. Well, this led to me buggy the friends mom to make them while i was there so that I could see her so it. Man, I wish that I had a picture because if there is anything that I know anymore is is little underwear. Yeah, lol as i have stated over and over again i have 100% no life. But anyways I sat down at the sewing machine and just jumped in. And to my amazement I put put together one kick butt pair of underwear! I am so thrilled and and excited to be able to tell the world that I make something. Next time I will be sure sure to get a picture!

So today we went ahead and bought a 3 month pass to the Y. Since Sean had so much fun swimming there the other day. We went swimming with Jessie tonight and she had so much fun. Again, I wish that I had a picture. Shame on me, I am writing about all these things and do not have one stinking picture to put on this blog tonight, but Jessie had fun she was really into it. And when we got done she was so exhausted that my little piglet didn't even want to eat. She fell asleep in the car and didn't even get up when we brought her in. So, now we are members of the Y and should be going there a few times a week. I think that I may do something that I have never done before which is use the childcare there so that I can go and work out for a little while. Chris is interested in playing some b ball and Sean will like that too. It should be all around good for all of us, and we will not be stuck in the house so much while it is so dang cold out there.

Well, I am going to head off to bed tonight. may you all have a blessed day with the wind at your backs and the sun on your face, may the road rise to meet you, and until we meet again may God hold you in the palm of His hand. Goodnight all and sweet dreams.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

1. How good are you at delaying gratification?
Not really, I am a right now kinda person.

2. Maybe a marshmallow wouldn't be too difficult a temptation for you. What food (or anything else) would be most tempting?
Cherry Pie, and reece's cups

3. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being saintly) how patient are you?
About a 7 when it comes to my kids. About a 2 when it comes to my husband (poor guy)

4. Have you ever waited for something in life only to be disappointed upon realization of the goal/object/etc.?
I don't think so, I just waited a year to get a car and I am thrilled with it.

5. Are you a person who takes shortcuts?
If there is one that will still get the job done right sure I will.

6. Which line is hardest to wait in?
The Grocery store! I hate to wait in line at the grocery store, more when I only have one or two things.

7. Did you wait to discover the gender of your unborn child until its birth?
Oh definitely not! I found out 2 weeks earlier than I was suppose to.

8. Are you more patient with children or the elderly?
Children all the way!

9. Did you ever sneak a peek at a present?
Ummm I plead the 5th ;)

10. What is the longest you've ever waited for anything?
2 years to go on vacation. I am still waiting.

11. Who has more patience, you or your significant other?
Oh 100% me! Don't ask him to wait for anything, unless it is him.

12. Which of the following songs about waiting is your pick for the best? (OK, you may substitute another, if you like.)
No clue at all.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My son is so Awesome !

We went to the Y today and my son who normally is afraid of the pool got a floaty strapped to him and he took off like a fish! I was so proud, and he was just like whatever mom. He has always been that way. The kid who wants to do everything for himself. Gave up the pacifier and the bottle himself. Puts himself to bed. Really why in the world does he need me lol. Anyways back to the pool we are going to get a membership and start going there a couple times a week because I believe he is getting a bit of cabin fever and we need a way to get rid of some energy. I just can't believe he is swimming. I love watching him grow up. Truly I am not sad at all that he is growing because everything new that he does just thrills me to death it is so cool. We had a blast! And one more bonus the pool was heated to about 80 degrees which was wonderful if was like a huge bathtub. A little over board on the chlorine though. Well that is all for now folks just thought I would pop in a leave a quick note. Thank for reading, if there is anyone out there?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Who I am......

I am the one who wipe noses, and tears.
I am the one that carries them to bed while the feet hang.
I am the one who is mean because I love them.
I am the one gives the baths and cleans the clothes, and sticky little hands.
I am the one to calm the bad dream, and rocks them to sleep.
So who am I?
I am their mom, and I have to best job in the world.
Goodnight Sean and Jessie. I love you.

Random Dozen

1. So I was thinking about how Jon Bon Jovi never seems to age much. His hair is smaller nowadays, but he still manages to look like a boy somehow. And then that made me think of the story of Dorian Gray. Question: If you physically lock in one age for yourself, which would you choose and why?
23 After I had my first son I lost so much weight I was smaller than I was in high school. After the second I was not so fortunate. There is just like an extra 15 pounds that do not want to come off.

2. What is the best dish that you cook or bake (your piece de resistance?)

Pizza pasta and corn casserole, no matter what pizza pasta will please everyone even though in this house I have to make two batches to please everybody .

3. When you feel blue, what is one strategy you use to help yourself back to normal?

Talk on the phone for about an hour about nothing and everything all at the same time. Hopefully that person has something to talk about to get my mind off of my own crap. Wow speaking of feeling blue right now I think that I am there , this week is not going well.

4. When was the last time you danced in public?

Many many moons ago lol.

5. Do you consider yourself a realist or dreamer?

Mostly realist but a little of both about a 70/30 split

6. As a parent, what is one thing that you have done well?

Wow I thought this would be an easy question but now I have been sitting here for twenty minutes typing and deleting. I guess the answer would be to not be hard on my self. To always remember that no mother is perfect. I will never force my opinion on someone with children because everyone is different and that does not make them wrong. Sometimes everyone has an off day, not everything always has to go smooth, and the house does not always have to be perfect, and there is no perfect child so there for mine can not be either. I guess take everything with a grain of salt.

7. Which is your favorite character on the Andy Griffith show?

I would say Andy. he was always so fair and tried to see both sides and think things through.

8. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you know about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?

Probably 3 I don't know much more than the basics.

9. Have you never been mellow? Have you never tried … to find a comfort from in side you? (Sorry, Jorge was singing that song just now, and it just seemed to be perfect timing as I was creating this week’s questions.) REAL question: What is your #1 driving pet peeve?

Peole not watching what they are doing and coming into my lane on the freeway.

10. Which color best represents your mood today? Care to elaborate?

Black with a little red, and no.

11. If your spouse were an animal, which would he/she be?

A goldfish, just keeping on swimin and swimin round and round and round forgetting you have been there before. And there I elaborated on question number 10.

12. What activity takes up the bulk of your time on an average day?

Feeding the baby and dishes. My baby girl is a slow drinker and 8 people plus three meals and multiple snacks , you do the math lol because I have to go do dishes.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Ok, so sorry maybe I like to complain......

I have had a head ache for like 2 weeks now and I getting so tired of it! I just simply do not feel like doing anything right now. I have not even worked on my shawl to day. because it suppose to be a blessing and I am just in a crappy mood. Maybe if I started to work on it and spend sometime with God it would lighten my mood a little bit. i just am getting so frustrated that i spend so many hours cleaning and when I come downstairs in the morning it looks like a bomb went off!Maybe I need to put into to action and start getting up at 5 am and then i can be done with all that crap for the day before the kids get up. Wouldn't that bed great, but I am so full of hot air right now. why would i get out of bed when I do not have to? HA maybe one day I just will. And once again for three days Sean has been off the wall. lord please help me to be strong and not be mean but mean what I say. I have to stick to my guns because this is one thing in life that I can not fail at. Without my babies there is no me they are all I live for. Although I am sure as every mother has said a morning to sleep in would be a dream vacation!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Jessie is CRAWLING yeah! That makes me so happy. No second that I am beyond happy and so is she. It has to be the cutest thing in the world. I do not have pictures yet but I will get some SOON.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's Random Dozen Time!

1. When was the last time you craved a food--what was it, and did you cave?
Last Night. It was hot chocolate, and I had some it was wonderful.

2. M & M's or Skittles?
Either depending on what mood I am in. Although I have to say skittles ranks a little higher,

3. Have you ever read the Bible completely through?
No I want to though

4. How long does it take you to really wake up in the morning?
I get right out of bed and get about my day always have.

5. Have you ever been on a cruise? If not, would you like to?
No I have not been on one but I get really bad motion sickness so I don;t know if I would want to.

6. Who is your favorite actress?
Sandra Bullock

7. ______ is something that I will just never understand.
Video games, and anime

8. How much of a technology junkie are you?
Not at all, I can get around on a computer just fine but that is where it ends.

9. Do you enjoy selecting greeting cards for people, or is it more of a cultural "have to" for you?
I enjoy it I usually go for a funny one.

10. When was the last time you got a new style/haircut?
About a month ago.

11. What do you enjoy shopping for most?
Clothes for my kids. But I also enjoy grocery shopping.

12. What's the last thing you think of before you leave the house?
Do I have my bank card?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

smiling baby

My baby has learned what say cheese means :)

I thought I would get a picture of the oatmeal cookie mess and when I pointed the camera she all the sudden because a ham. I love it !
Here is a clean picture with the pretty smile.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Julie and Julia

Oh my, I finally got to watch the movie!I must say that it is my favorite by far, and I had no idea that it was about blogging either. I knew that it was about a love of food and working with food and that is why I wanted to see it. I loved it I was totaly into it! I guess that I never written about it on here but I love to cook. It is my outlet and more than anything I love to bake. I starting baking when I was about ten.I start with projects like banana cream pie with high meringue peaks, and breads, and cakes and whatever I could think of. I think that my mom being a single mom probably loved this fact because she had to work all the time and when she got home I was always cooking something. This year I tried something new. It was a pumpkin roll and I have to say it was scary at first but went so easy and was wonderful tasting. My next project I am going to tackle no bake cookies, can you believe that I have never made them! I don't even have any idea what is in them. Maybe I will post about it, but none the less this is not going to be a cooking blog, but maybe i will slip something in there anyways.

In other news I know people don't like the snow, but with little kids I love the snow. I think there is nothing more exciting and fun to a child then going out in the snow. Sean played and played, and the when he was totally frozen solid he played some more. It was a blast. His daddy and him built snow forts and had a giant snowball fight with uncle Connor. And then went sledding on the hill down by the road. Stay tuned for the next chapter, tubing at mad river mountain. I can't wait take him there.

Well it is late and I have a little one here beside me who needs to go to bed. Goodnight world and happy sledding. Get out there with the kids and have blast.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

One boy and one girl, and oh what a differance between the two!


What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails, and puppy dogs tails
That's what little boys are made of !"

This was Sean Thanksgiving 06 later you will see the Girl version.....

When I was pregnant with my boy I was under the impression that boys and girls would be the same to raise especially when they are babies HA! Excuse me while I fall on the floor laughing,ha ha ha hee hee heee ho ho ho.....oh my with tears in my eyes I think that I am done now.

I love both of my children the same and with that said I will now add, there is cuddling and loving on a boy. You get in a kiss on the cheek as whiz by. A hug will always be leaping into your arms because they are moving to fast to do it any other way. If a boy gets hurt you may get to kiss the boo boo or may get an "I'm fine" yelled from across the room because, oh no he may have to stop a minute.Boys are fast moving, never ceasing, stinky, sticky, loud little creatures, who hold your heart in their little sticky peanut butter and jelly encrusted fingers, and melt your heart with their chocolate covered faces. Mothers of boys are tough, you have to be you never know what will happen next with them.The one thing that I have noticed most is that little boys think that the world begins and ends with their momma.


What are little girls made of? "Sugar and spice and all things nice That's what little girls are made of!"

Jessie Thanksgiving 09, you will notice a difference here miss prim and proper is clean ( and yes there is a big pile of potatoes in front of her).

Little girls want to hug and kiss you, they want to be CLEAN! At least mine does. Little girls want their Daddies...

Daddy works third shift and Jessie always, and I mean always has to nap with Daddy.

Although I have not potty trained a girl yet I can already see that it is going to be sooo much easier. Sean would pee or poop in the pull up and hide.It took over two years to potty train him. Jessie pees in her diaper and wants it off of her right now.

I would like to say that I am truly blessed to have both a boy and a girl. I get the best of both worlds! And God bless the little sisters of the world because you are truly some tough chicks, I can tell when Jessie is bigger Sean is really gonna get him for all the picking he has done on her.