Friday, December 18, 2009

Well maybe now I can sit down and blog. I have been moving and everything is consumed by it. So what is new is ? First off I have moved in with my in-laws, and I must say I am enjoying being able to actually clean. The trailer that we were living in was falling down around us and I never seemed to be able to get a hold on the cleaning there was always a great big pile of something somewhere in there. Even when everything was cleaning it never felt that way at times, i would just give up. I hated having my kids in there, but it was home. I tried to do best by them and then I came to the realization that just by staying there I was not. So we have made this move and we are going to put away all the money that we can and get someplace nice. Of coarse I want the American dream of the nice house I own but I do not know if that will be possible yet, so we may get one of the nice apartments in town I fell in love with about two years ago. We always thought we needed a yard but I think that I we stay close to here then I can just jump in the car and then we can play in the yard. I was a hard move to make moving away from people I am so fond of, but in the end I can drive up there and I have to do what is best for my children.

Second, MY SON IS POTTY TRAINED. Woohoo I am going to shout it to the world because I so hoped that it would be done before he was four. It just took him wanting to do it. Here is my advice for first time potty trainers. And that would be .......... gee I don't know if you are ready for this? Are you sure...........................................well, I have NONE! That is right you will have advice fly out of every corner even the check out lady at walmart, so I have nothing to say to you.99% af the things you try will not work so just do what you think right if that doesn't work try something else. They may get it in 3 days it may take 2 years, and that is all there is to it.

Third, my duaghter has said da da, and is now sitting up!

I would like to end on .....

Happy 3rd Aniversary Chris , and here is to many, many more. My life would be nothing with out you by my side every step of the way. Richer or poorer, good health and bad. Let's show em what love looks like.

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