1. Do you prefer even or odd numbers? Any particular reason?
I really don't think that I prefer either one over the other, but if I had to pick I would say odd I guess. Most of the time I am am an odd person so I guess that will work for me.
2. On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being "not at all" and 10 being Carly Simon-worthy, how vain are you?
I used to think not at all but after to children I started looking at my body and criticizing everything so I would give myself about a 5.
3. Among these Irish stereotypes, with which do you identify most closely? Talkative, Proud, Inquisitive, Love to party, Hot-tempered
Talkative would probably be the best answer for me, I can hold up a one ended conversation for hours (just ask my husband.)
4. How lucky do you consider yourself?
I am not lucky at all that is why I don't gamble, it is pointless when lady luck is not on your side.
5. What is the subject of your favorite post that you've written?
My family. They are always my favorite in everything.
6. Describe March weather where you live in three words.
Cold, wet, cold. And it came in like a lamb, uh oh!
7. How apt are you at detecting blarney when you hear it? (Smooth talk, flattery)
Most of time you would have to be really smooth to get one by me, I am pretty good at seeing right through people. Ask my Irish husband.
8. How "green" are you, environmentally speaking?
Not at all, nuff said.
9. What is your favorite song this week?
Love like crazy by Lee Brice
10. You are walking along and see a coin on the ground. What denomination does it have to be before you will stop to pick it up?
I would pick up a penny, but I would have to notice it there first which would most likely not happen.
11. Complete the sentence: "Every time I look outside my window ...."
I see freakin snow, and wish for summer.
12. What was the #1 song on the day you were born? See this site to find out
I Just Called to Say I Love You Stevie Wonder
What fun answers. Your #11 answer will probably be on a lot of randoms this week. Enjoyed your answers! Thanks for sharing.
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March came in like a lamb here too. It probably won't stay that way.