Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Random Dozen

Goodbye February and hopefully goodbye snow!

1. Have you ever fired a gun or shot a bow and arrow?
I have fired a gun one time just do it. I have fired a bb gun alot.

2. Do you know where your childhood best friends are?
Do to the invention of facebook, yes I do. I have located most of them.

3. Do you usually arrive early, late, or on time?
I am usually early, because I get ready to early and can not stand to sit around and wait for time to go. The kids will get into something if I have to stay around the house to long.

4. Are you more of a New York or California type?
They have farms in Cali so I guess there. But neither really. I live in Ohio and I think that it is the place for me although I would like to move to Montana.

5. Do you have a special ring tone?
I am so boring I have the verizon default as my ring tone. Now that I had to say that maybe I should get something new.

6. What is your favorite type of chip?
Well, at least I am not boring on the this one Doritos Buffalo Ranch.

7. Best comedy you've ever seen is ...
The best is not movie at all but a preacher. I think Jesse Duplantis is the funniest man alive.

8. Have you ever cut your own hair? To quote Dr. Phil, "How'd that work for ya?"
Yeah not well! I had my mother in law fix it.

9. If you were going to have an extreme makeover, would you rather it be about your house or your personal self?
If I had one my house. I would love for someone to just set it all up because I think everything I do looks like poo.

10. Are you allergic to anything?
The outdoor world.

11. Why is it so hard to change?
For me I am bullheaded. I can't help it, it is a family trait lol.

12. One last question dedicated to February love: CS Lewis said, "To love is to be vulnerable."
Please share one example of that assertion or share any thought you'd like to about this topic.
I will answer this with a question would you rather be not vulnerable, and never feel love?

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