Wednesday, February 10, 2010

This weeks Random Dozen!

If you have never joined the Random Dozen, just hop over to Linda's blog and link up. The ladies are wonderful and it is a lot of fun!

This week's questions:

1. Are you pleasant when you're ill, or are you a grumpy, fussy patient?

I am really grumpy but try not to be. When I am sick I just like to crawl into to bed and bed left alone. With two children that never happens though.

2. When you find out that school is canceled (due to inclement weather) what is your gut reaction?

My kids aren't in school, but if they were i think I would be happy to have them home.

3. What is one domestic skill you wish you could improve?

Organization! That is my number 1 thing that I am the worst at. But amazingly I can still find things when I need them. Usually know what it is in but not where I put the thing it is in.

4. Do you decorate your home for Valentine's Day?

I have not yet but with two little ones when I get my own place I will. (currently living with mother in law)

5. What song is on your mind today?

Too early in the morning to have anything in my mind right now.

6. Do you prefer contemporary movies or classic?

Definitely contemporary I have tried to watch old films and can not get into them.But mostly the chick flicks.

7. How well do you "compartmentalize" your feelings? For example, how well can you put aside a really trying moment to deal with the immediate situation which is not related to the trying moment, e.g., putting aside a tiff with your spouse in order to finish wallpapering a room.

I am a right out there person so if something is bothering me I usually go ahead and talk in out.

8. What is the first thing that attracted you to your spouse? (Or if you're single, to your best friend.)

His eyes. I thought he had the most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen.

9. When was the last time your heart raced?

When I had to call 911 to get the squad for my father in laws mother.

10. What are your memories of Valentine's Day at school?

My grandparents helping me make the box for all of the cards.

11. If you were going to receive candy for Valentine's Day, which would you prefer?

A big ol' bag of Reece's peanut butter cups!

12. Red or pink?
When I was younger it would have been pink but now I am leaning more towards pink,


  1. #12 was funny! I'm terrible with organization too, but I also know where to find things. In fact, when I organize, that's when I lose everything. LOL

  2. I am with you on #7. And I love your #12 answer. thanks for sharing

    until next time... nel

  3. Reese's seem to be a popular choice amongst the Random Dozeners. I wonder if they make heart shaped Reese's?

  4. #9: that is scary!
    #10: My favorite answer to this one so far
    #11: You and me!

    Thanks for playing, Cortney. It's nice to meet you!

  5. Hi Cortney-
    I'm Judd Corizan from the meme Sunday Stealing. ( I thought I'd take the time to invite you and all Random Dozen players to join us this and every Sunday. We have a group of great players who participate. We usually post by 3PM Eastern time on Saturdays.

