Tuesday, April 6, 2010

First Random of April, 2010

First Random of April, 2010

1. Define a great relationship.
One that is carefully thought about and worked on.Being able to be who you are together or apart. Not just being content but being excited to see them every time they walk in the door.

2. Why is it called a "drive-through" if you have to stop? (Real question: What was the last food/drink you purchased at a drive-through?)
Ice cream and a moo latte from Dairy Queen,

3. As I type this, the Butler Bulldogs are getting ready to play in the NCAA championship game. Every Hoosier is hysterical about this except me. So in honor of the Bulldogs ... what is your favorite breed of dog? (I tried.)
Australian Shepherds

4. If you had to move to a state besides the one you currently live in, where would you move?
        My husband and I both would like to have a cattle ranch in Montana, But the is kinda an if we win the lottery kinda thing.

5. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
                 Being an only child. I think I would have liked having a brother or sister.

6. Who's the funniest person you know?
            I would have to say my son. He can crack me up at any given moment.

7. Did you get enough sleep last night?
              I think so but could have used a little more.

8. What's the first thing you thought about this morning?
            Getting out of bed without waking the kids.

9. Grilled or Fried? --HONESTLY
           Fried, grilled is always slimy

10. Are you afraid of the dark?
11.When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
           A stay at home mom. I got what I wanted, how many people can say that.

12. If you had one word to describe yourself , what would you choose?


  1. My best friend growing up had an Australian Shepherd and it was a great dog!

  2. Kids are really funny, aren't they? Even when they're so serious!

  3. I like your answer to #11...I feel the same.

    Have a great day!

  4. Cortney, I set my post to publish automatically at midnight almost every night. Thanks for playing. I enjoyed your answers. Dairy Queen seems to be getting a lot of business!

  5. We have to drive 45 minutes for a moo latte but it is so worth it!

  6. Stay at home moms are the best! I was one myself for many years. I like your blog, I'm going ot be your newest follower, but I will follow under my google blog instead of my wordpress one. It's easier. Have a great day! Kathy

  7. Enjoyed your answers!

    until next time... nel

  8. #8 - I can never get up without waking my kids, they're light sleepers (far too light).

    I enjoyed reading your answers.
