Had a good day at work, and as I sit here eating my free dinner and drinking my caramel frappe I am thinking this is not so bad. At the mcdonalds where I am working it is mostly adults so that helps. When I got home tonight Sean was still up. It is past his bedtime but I am glad to see him. I have realized that when you pray you really need to look around to make sure you do not get to absorbed in the world that you miss your blessing. This job to me is a blessing because I prayed for a blessing to relive some stress and hardship. The next day the call came for a application I put in back in November. There was my answer, definitely not one a expected but I welcome one. I am not in control of my life anymore. I want to see Gods plans, so I am just going let him take me where he wants me to go. I will say this summer I will miss my little boy terribly because he will be at summer camp in the daytime and then I will go to work but in the end when we get to get our own apartment and go on our week long vacation it will be so worth it. I will just be sure to do some special things for the kids to make up for the time I am not there. Taking my children out of the picture , I really do like the feeling that I am making some money.My husband has worked so long and hard that I feel more like I am helping him more than anything, and when we go on vacation I will be paying for it which make me feel so good. It will be my present to him to be able to pay for that on my own. So tonight I feel accomplished, tired, sore, and happy.
So glad you had a great day at work! Blessings!