Saturday, February 27, 2010

Chicken Enchiladas

I just wanted to pop in to leave you all this awesome recipe that I made for dinner tonight.

1 10.5 oz cream of chicken
1/2 cup of sour cream
1 cup salsa
2 teaspoons of chili powder
2 cups cooked chopped chicken
1/2 cup of Monterrey jack cheese
6 flour tortillas
1 small tomato chopped
1 green onion

stir sour cream, salsa, chili powder in medium bowl. Stir in one cup soup mixture, chicken and cheese in a large bowl. Divide chicken mixture between tortillas. roll up tortillas and place seam side up in 11x8 baking dish. Pour remaining soup mixture over filled tortillas. Cover baking dish with foil. Bake at 350 for 40 minutes or until bubbly. top with tomato and onion

Friday, February 26, 2010

I have been so emotional lately about the fact that my little man is growing so fast. So many changes are about to happen rather quickly. This summer he will be in summer camp at the y and also playing T-ball. Then after that in the fall he will be such a big boy and starting preschool. This should be a good time watching him grow but I find myself rather sad about the whole thing I feel like this time has gotten away from me so fast. He has always been just mine and now I have to share him with the big bad world and let him out from under mommies wings a little bit. At least I will still have one little one at home with me. But when she starts school I think I will be a really big mess what would I do with out my kids all day, figure out who I am. Get real I don't want to do that.
On the subject of summer activities, Sean will be in summer camp, there will be t ball on Wednesday and Saturday mornings, and Chris will be on a co ed softball league! I do not think that I will ever have a moment to breath. There will also be swimming , and vacation, and on and on and on. I have always wanted to be the soccer mom with all kinds of things to do and running around with the kids but now I am wondering if I am crazy. I am literally going from nothing to do to something everyday.Oh yeah and I also do yoga at the Y I will have to fit that in there some where. Maybe when I drop sean off for summer camp.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Random Dozen

Goodbye February and hopefully goodbye snow!

1. Have you ever fired a gun or shot a bow and arrow?
I have fired a gun one time just do it. I have fired a bb gun alot.

2. Do you know where your childhood best friends are?
Do to the invention of facebook, yes I do. I have located most of them.

3. Do you usually arrive early, late, or on time?
I am usually early, because I get ready to early and can not stand to sit around and wait for time to go. The kids will get into something if I have to stay around the house to long.

4. Are you more of a New York or California type?
They have farms in Cali so I guess there. But neither really. I live in Ohio and I think that it is the place for me although I would like to move to Montana.

5. Do you have a special ring tone?
I am so boring I have the verizon default as my ring tone. Now that I had to say that maybe I should get something new.

6. What is your favorite type of chip?
Well, at least I am not boring on the this one Doritos Buffalo Ranch.

7. Best comedy you've ever seen is ...
The best is not movie at all but a preacher. I think Jesse Duplantis is the funniest man alive.

8. Have you ever cut your own hair? To quote Dr. Phil, "How'd that work for ya?"
Yeah not well! I had my mother in law fix it.

9. If you were going to have an extreme makeover, would you rather it be about your house or your personal self?
If I had one my house. I would love for someone to just set it all up because I think everything I do looks like poo.

10. Are you allergic to anything?
The outdoor world.

11. Why is it so hard to change?
For me I am bullheaded. I can't help it, it is a family trait lol.

12. One last question dedicated to February love: CS Lewis said, "To love is to be vulnerable."
Please share one example of that assertion or share any thought you'd like to about this topic.
I will answer this with a question would you rather be not vulnerable, and never feel love?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

This weeks Random Dozen!

If you have never joined the Random Dozen, just hop over to Linda's blog and link up. The ladies are wonderful and it is a lot of fun!

This week's questions:

1. Are you pleasant when you're ill, or are you a grumpy, fussy patient?

I am really grumpy but try not to be. When I am sick I just like to crawl into to bed and bed left alone. With two children that never happens though.

2. When you find out that school is canceled (due to inclement weather) what is your gut reaction?

My kids aren't in school, but if they were i think I would be happy to have them home.

3. What is one domestic skill you wish you could improve?

Organization! That is my number 1 thing that I am the worst at. But amazingly I can still find things when I need them. Usually know what it is in but not where I put the thing it is in.

4. Do you decorate your home for Valentine's Day?

I have not yet but with two little ones when I get my own place I will. (currently living with mother in law)

5. What song is on your mind today?

Too early in the morning to have anything in my mind right now.

6. Do you prefer contemporary movies or classic?

Definitely contemporary I have tried to watch old films and can not get into them.But mostly the chick flicks.

7. How well do you "compartmentalize" your feelings? For example, how well can you put aside a really trying moment to deal with the immediate situation which is not related to the trying moment, e.g., putting aside a tiff with your spouse in order to finish wallpapering a room.

I am a right out there person so if something is bothering me I usually go ahead and talk in out.

8. What is the first thing that attracted you to your spouse? (Or if you're single, to your best friend.)

His eyes. I thought he had the most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen.

9. When was the last time your heart raced?

When I had to call 911 to get the squad for my father in laws mother.

10. What are your memories of Valentine's Day at school?

My grandparents helping me make the box for all of the cards.

11. If you were going to receive candy for Valentine's Day, which would you prefer?

A big ol' bag of Reece's peanut butter cups!

12. Red or pink?
When I was younger it would have been pink but now I am leaning more towards pink,

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Random Dozen!

The first 6 come from Kelley at I Didn’t Know That! Thanks so much, Kelley! And can you please help us out with #4???

1. Do you use the labels various charities send you as “free gifts?”
I usually intend too but I never really mail anything out so no

2. What is your favorite time of day (or night) for skywatching?
Sunrise, I like to sit on the back porch with coffee and watch the sun come up.

3. What is the most adventurous you've ever been with trying a new food? (Keep it G-rated please)
I will try any food once. I would say I would probably muscles and I love them now. Another one would also be Sushi which I also love.

4. Have you ever heard a rock sing? (Trust me, there's a reason for this one!)

5. If you could learn a language you don't presently speak, what would it be?
Pennsylvania Dutch. I was an Amish driver and have a few amish friends so I would like to be able to speak their native tongue .

6. Al Capone's tombstone read, “My Jesus, Mercy.” If you could write your own epitaph, what would it say?
See I told you I wasn't Super Woman!

7. If you were a famous musician who was known by one name, like “Cher,” “Sting,” or “Jewel,” what would it be? It doesn’t have to be your first name, but it can be, if you’d like.
For lack or sleep and other things right now I can come up with nothing other than Cortney. Yeah ha ha how original!

8. Have you ever been inordinately “into” a television show?
First of all I have to look inordinately, and yes the Gilmore Girls. Since they ended that I now watch House and Desperate Housewives.

9. When you sneeze, do you go big, or do you do that weird “heenh!” sound that makes people think you’re going to blow your brains out? Any other variation we should know about?
I do this weird thing of plugging my nose when I sneeze so nothing will come out lol. I don't make very much noise really.

10. Do you still read an actual newspaper that you hold in your hands, or do you get your news elsewhere?
I like to read the paper newspaper, but I only pick that up when I am in town. Most often I go to the website of the local news channel and see what is new.

11. Are you a good speller?
o my godnes no ! I could not spell my way out of a paper bag. but my mil is webster so it all works out in the end.

12. At what time each day do you start thinking about Lost lunch?
Lunch? I just graze all day.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Do you ever?

Do you ever just get so stress that you want to pull you hair out? I mean seriously! This house has exploded today with toys and things and I am just not in the mood to even move today. Sometimes I feel I like running away. Not for good or anything, just for the day. Do you know what I mean? Sometimes things just get to me. Maybe they get to me worse than to others, maybe not. I have no clue that is just where I am at right now.