Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Randon Dozen

1. Have you ever been so lost that you were really afraid?
       I am going answer this differently lol. We were at a family party the other day. My son was playing with his older cousins so I relaxed. Well, soon I started seeing the cousin but had not seen my son. I figured he was inside....wrong. I figured he found a corner and went to sleep.    Again I was wrong. I figured he went out front....wrong. I began to panic. Then we went about looking for him. The whole family was. When we had searched every where close to the house I began to become frantic. It was about 20 minutes later they found him. My knees buckled and I just sobbed and sobbed. That was the worst fear I have ever felt in my life. I would prefer never to relive that ever again.

2. Have you ever been to an island?
 Yes,  There is one up on lake Erie called Put-In-Bay. I used to go there as a child.

3. Are you more of a thinker or feeler?
 Oh my, I want to say thinker, and I think I am. My Emotions often get the best of me though.

4. Do you tend to see issues or situations in life as black and white or shades of gray?
    I live in shade of gray. I have a very hard time deciding things because of that.

5. If you were stuck on an island, what book would you hope to have with you (Let's pretend the Bible is already there, so you can't say that.)
     how to survive on a island for dummies :)

6. What are you most afraid of?
   Something  happening to my children. After the story I told you in question one I have now seen real fear and somethings I was afraid of before like confrontation with people is not just such a big thing anymore. Being a mother is the worst fear you can have, there is a whole world out there I have to protect them from.  I am going to change my decision my biggest fear is the day I have to let them go out there on their own.

7. Would you rather lose all of your old memories or never be able to make new ones?
          Never be able to make new ones. The past is the past, I want to see all the things the future has to hold.

8. Pretend I'm looking at a scrapbook page about you. There are three spaces for you to drop in individual pictures. What are those pictures of, and why did you select them?
                 Chris, Sean, and Jessie (Husband and Three Children), They are the most important thing in my life.

9. If you were re-doing your wedding, what would you do differently? (If you're single, tell me one thing you would do if you were planning a wedding OR huge party.)
                  I would have a big one. We did it last minute at home with only a few people.

10. Tell me one thing you know/believe about forgiveness.
             Ummm. One thing I know is that we are suppose to do it but sometimes it can be hard. If you forgive though you will have more peace with yourself and others.

11. You're waiting in a doctor's office. What is your favorite way to pass that time?
            Read the magazines there. They are two expensive so I don't buy them but I do like to look at them.

12. If there were a clone of you in a parallel universe what is one way you hope she/he would be the same as you and one way you hope she/he would be better?
          That they would love their family and do they best they could to take care of them  and I hope they would be better at keeping things running smoothly around the house.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Well, here I am sitting here late at night thinking again about decision that I need to make. I hate days like this. I am thinking about moving from my mother in laws and getting an apartment. There are so many decisions to make and the thing that scares me the most is that I have two little ones to take care of. When I was younger I was a gypsy pretty much just sleeping on friends couch's living out of my car. I can not do this with children. They need a home and a roof over their heads. We have had a place before and everything was okay. But financially not so great. I fought so hard to stay home with my babies. Thinking that I was making their world better by being their. Although I still want to be at home with them, I was not making the best decision for them because I do not think I was proving for them very well. I have to say that I love my job. Something that sounds stupid when I am working at mcdonalds but the thing is I know that I am going to be providing for our family in a way that I could not being at home with them. There is no longer going to be such a struggle. What a difference it will be to have two more pay checks a month. I feel as though I can breath now. I thank God that I have been blessed with this job.    I am learning now how to manage this extra money with savings acounts and cds and things so that I can always have a plan b. I want to do everything that I possibly can to invest this money wisely and make the right choices for my family. Right now I may sound so stupid but I trying to learn everything about cds and stocks and iras. At this point i do not know what an ira is but I am going to figure it out. This is all so new to me but I think that it it so neat to make my money work for me. it feels almost like I have this second job and that is to figure out how to make my money make money.

     Anyways back onto the moving thing I think that I am going to do my little boys room in camo stuff. He would think that was so great.I think that I am going to get a two bedroom and give each of the kids a bedroom and then Chris and I can sleep and the pull out. I am really excited to have a bed to myself. Right now I am just going to trust God to lead me in the right direction with this.  Goodnight y'all.

Phil Vassar - Prayer of a Common Man

I love this song! This song describes my life perfectly.

Simple Womans Daybook.


Monday, April 26, 2010

Outside my window... Sunshine but we are only going to have a high of 55 today.

I am thinking... About what I am going to do with the kids today. I am not sure yet.

I am thankful for... My son getting over the nasty virus he had.

I am wearing... Jammies, I need to start doing these things later in the day.

I am remembering... That my son has no clean clothes and I should probably take care of that today.
I am going... Not sure yet. But we may go get some ice cream tonight as a treat for the kids.

I am currently reading...a book by Beth Wiseman

I am hoping...   for a peaceful day.

On my mind...Laundry and trying to keep up with working 40 hours and doing everything for my husband and kids I normally do.

Noticing that... I am a much stronger person than I ever thought possible.

Pondering these words...............1When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the secrets:  12Then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity her
Around the house...There is a mess and I hoping to fix that over the next two days

One of my favorite things... Reading late into the night without a sound anywhere.
A picture thought I am sharing.. I love this guy more than he could ever imagine. He is a great father and husband.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Randon Dozen

 I just love the Random Dozen. Here is the one from this week. If you would like to join in on the fun there is a button on the side of my page. Just click it, copy and paste the questions. Fill in your own answers. Only one step left you come back and link up with the always gentlemanly Mr. Linky ;)

1. Ever had any run-ins with the "library police?"  I got thrown out one time because my son was crying. It made me really mad. He was only crying for 2 seconds.

2. Do you have a special organizational plan and place for wrapping paper, gift bags, etc., or do you just purchase whatever you need as you give gifts? ha ha ha, Me organize anything? You jest, surly you do.

3. Have you ever been in (first-hand witness) a natural disaster? Nope. Except for the "hurricane' winds we had in Ohio.

4. What's your favorite Barry Manilow song?PASS!

5. What's the best costume you've ever worn? I am going to put in the best one my son wore.

6. Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus? Dictionary

7. What's your favorite breakfast food?Mcdonalds! Bacon egg and cheese biscut

8. Have you ever purchased anything from an infomercial? The shark steamer and it works wonderfully.

9. Have you ever crawled through a window? HA ha ha , too many times. I lock myself out alot.

10. Do you believe in love at first sight?No, in my personal opinion I don't think it would last, nut maybe for some people it has.

11. How man pairs of jeans do you own?I would say 7. I have a thing for jeans. None of them are very nice jeans though.

12. If someone were going to bake a cake to honor/represent you, what would it be? (Think creatively, like Duff and Crew on "Ace of Cakes.")   oh my, are we watching food network Lid? ummm, hard one, I would say a Ford Explorer because it is my favorite thing.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Thomas Nelson Authors

 I love all  Thomas Nelson authors and I am so excited to tell you tonight that they sent me a free book. It was Beth Wiseman's book Plain Pursuit and I am so excited to read it. I love Beth Wiseman and I am sure that I am going to love this book.

      In other book news tonight my book arrived from Suzanne Woods Fisher ! It is called the Marriage Project. I am  thinking of doing this project and blogging about it along the way what do you think? By the way Suzanne is also an author and if you like Amish fiction you absolutely must check her out. I love her writing, when I read her book I could not put it down. I finished it in one night.

After the Hangover The Conservatives' Road to Recovery

By R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.

Average Blogger Rating: 3.35 Stars

Book Description

An insider’s investigation of the state of the post-Bush Conservative movement in the United States today.
R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.—intimately familiar with the ideology and personalities of the conservative movement in the United States from the inside—analyzes who was right and what went wrong. And, in the process, he outlines the conservative agenda for the “next ascendancy.”
Tyrrell's well-turned prose has received acclaim from such people as P.J. O'Rourke, Norman Mailer, Paul Johnson, Dick Morris, William Safire, William F. Buckley Jr., and Henry Kissinger. Tom Wolfe has said, "No columnist, no author, has had a greater influence upon the course of American political history over the past decade than the ribald contrarian R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. Even the slain giants die laughing."

My comments: This book kept me on my toes and was a wonderful page turner. It was interesting to get inside politics and see where they went wrong. I am not normally one for politics but this one was very interesting. I would also say that I have a little better insight on how things run now on the Democratic and Republican sides. I would give this over all five stars, and especially if you are into politics.

Simple Womans Daybook.

Simple Womans Daybook.

. If anyone else would like to participate here is the link.  

Outside my window... It is very chilly and cloudy/ Good day for a nap.
I am thinking... About this daybook :)
I am thankful for..Coffee, nuff said.
From the kitchen... Waffles
I am wearing...Oh how I would like to say something cute but yoga pants and a thermal shirt.
I am creating..a mess
I am going...crazy
I am reading... Sumerhill Secrets 2 by Beverly Lewis
I am hoping... For some peace and quiet.
I am hearing...Go deigo Go
Around the house...There is laundry to be done
One of my favorite things..Hello hydration conditioner by herbal essences
A few plans for the rest of the week:Work, work, work, work, work, nice long bath.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Just checking in.

 Well , my husband had his first softball game today.   All I have to say is at least he did not get hurt. I was their to root him on but I didn't really get to watch because my son had to pee every five minutes. I personally think it was an interest in the port a potty lol. Anyways they lost today but I think that they had alot of fun with each other. It's a family team. This week I do not have many plans, I go back to work on Tuesday. If it is not too awful cold I will be taking Sean to the park tomorrow or at least out in the yard and I can work on my face tan, lol it is too cold for anything else. Have a good evening ladies. I think I am off to bake some cookies. Hopefully tomorrow I will get something done in this house before I go back to work.


Friday, April 16, 2010

When I got up today.....

When I got up today I thought it was like any other day. I got to sleep in so that would start off being a good day right? I got the kids there lunch. You may be thinking Lunch? I told ya I slept in lol. Anyways I did the dishes while they were eating and then ran some water in the sink to clean up my daughter who like to where pb&j a little to much. Anyways as I am bathing he I see something in her ear, I thought it was a scab! IT  WAS VERY MUCH NOT A SCAB! It was one of these

Do you know what this is ? Do you?

 This my dear dear people is a tick. My number one phobia in the world and I mean serious phobia is Ticks! They make me want to hyperventilate and pass out.  I back away from my dear sweet daughter and scream bloody murder for my husband. Who came running  and looked at me like I was an idiot when I told him what was wrong. What he did not know at the time was my fear. So I do what any insane sane person would do and call the doctor immediately like she was dying or something, They tell me I was right to call and to bring her in to make sure that she was not going to get Lyme Disease.  So we took her there and my husband has now figure out my fear by the fact I will not touch my daughter. I am not talking little fear, nope this is really big totally irrational fear. Then what does my husband do he decides to chase me around the waiting room with my daughter! So they removed the tick and guess what there is also poison ivy on her neck. You may be thinking this is crazy but I assure you this is true. Good news was it was not the type of tick you can get anything from. Thank you LORD!

Now you may be wandering where might a ten month old get poison ivy and a tick from. A tick that was in the fold of her ear for two days without being noticed. A tick that then made me strip search my son. Well Mommy and Daddy drove by some cool trails at the river and thought that it would be so cool to take the kids there. In a wooded area wearing shorts. Yes, I know, Thank you, I get the mother of the year award, right? Right?  Well, shoot am I supposed to think of everything? There was no dummy warning sign  saying, HEY TICKS IN HERE! But at least we had fun.

Anyways that is what happened when I got out of bed today.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Really, Really Random!

This picture is a clarification for question 1:

1. How do you feel about "Gladiator" sandals, also called "Roman" or "Jesus" sandals? A fashion yea or nay?Nay, but don't listen to me I have no fashion. I just like flip flops.

2. What is your favorite pizza?veggie and pep

3. There are plans in the works to sell roughly 1,000 items from Star Trek: The Experience in Las Vegas. This means you could buy Picard's chair for your family room. If not a Star Trek item, what prop, background, set, etc. from what TV or movie would you buy if you could?
[Ex: Hurley's "I Love my Shih tzu" shirt from LOST, the plantation home "Tara" from Gone With the Wind, or Tracy's tambourine from the Partridge Family.]  
I would but anything from the  Gilmore Girls set or House.

4. Name a local food or restaurant that your area is famous for.
             Where I grew up it was Bratwurst. I guess now I am close to Columbus so that would be where Wendy's started/

5. What is your current favorite snack?
        Mocha Frappe from Mcdonalds.

6. Hypothetical: You are required to be a reality show contestant. Which show would you choose based on your probability of success? (You cannot choose "none.")

Survivor. I only weigh 120 and I don't Dance.

7. On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being uninhabitable and 10 being cleanliness that meets the standards of OCD, how clean is your vehicle's interior?
         3, I willl go into no father detail on that one. Thank you Lid for bringing that out in the air.

8. It doesn't feel like Spring until ____it's warm!_____.

9. Something that made you laugh really hard recently is _Saying wrong things while waiting on people in the drive thru___.

10. Tell me about a goal you're working toward.
 Saving money to take my family to Amish country this fall.

11. Share a thought-provoking or inspiring quote this week.
An industrious wife is the best savings account. Amish Proverb.

12. Name one thing that you do as a parent that you absolutely know will make your kids happy. If you're not a parent, feel free to substitute "friend" or nomenclature that works for you.   Take them to Mcdonalds to play.

Happy writing!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Update on work.

        Had a good day at work, and as I sit here eating my free dinner and drinking my caramel frappe I am thinking this is not so bad. At the mcdonalds where I am working it is mostly adults so that helps. When I got home tonight Sean was still up. It is past his bedtime but I am glad to see him. I have realized that when you pray you really need to look around to make sure you do not get to absorbed in the world that you miss your blessing. This job to me is a blessing because I prayed for a blessing to relive some stress and hardship. The next day the call came for a application I put in back in November. There was my answer, definitely not one a expected but I welcome one. I am not in control of my  life anymore. I want to see Gods plans, so I am just going let him take me where he wants me to go. I will say this summer I will miss my little boy terribly because he will be at summer camp in the daytime and then I will go to work but in the end when we get to get  our own apartment and go on our week long vacation it will be so worth it.  I will just be sure to do some special things for the kids to make up for the time I am not there. Taking my children out of the picture , I really do like the feeling that I am making some money.My husband has worked so long  and hard that I feel more like I am helping him more than anything, and when we go on vacation I will be paying for it which make me feel so good. It will be my present to him to be able to pay for that on my own. So tonight I feel accomplished, tired, sore, and happy.

Doctor visits and going back to work after 4 years.

 First I will start off the doctor visit. Oh my goodness did my son ever through a fit yesterday when I was time for his shots. Usually he is perfectly fine and cries for about 2 seconds after the shot. Not this time, he was so upset from the time that we got to the doctors office until his shots were over. Maybe he is just getting older and knows what is coming. After it was all said and done he did not want to walk AT ALL. Saying that his leg hurt to much. In fact he just started  walking again this afternoon over 24 hours later.Jessie was fine through the  whole thing. She amazes me what a tough little booger she is.   A final note,  I am happy to report that both kids are healthy as can be. Jessie's iron was low, and instead of giving her the drops I just tried feeding her iron rich foods. Her iron went right up to where it was suppose to be.

  Secondly I am no longer a stay at home mom.  I have returned back to the working force in the form of Mcdonalds. At 25 this is not where I planned to be in my life and I am going through major guilt over leaving my kids everyday but I can't wait to begin getting paid. No matter how small I will be a big help to our financial situation. In a big way I am doing this for my kids. Sean will be able to go to the summer camp that we have been telling him about all winter. We will be able to keep our Y membership, and the bills will become easier to pay. I am honestly only adding about 1,000 dollars to our income a month but I can tell you it will be a drastic change for us. The best thing of all is I will be able to take the week off to go on vacation in September like we had planned, and we will be able to save the money to do it. I am also starting a little jar for the kids so that will be there spending money for fun things on vacation, or fun things we find to do this summer. Well tonight is my second night of work so I better get off here and gets somethings done before it is time to go. My time is so little right now but I am sure all the little pieces will fall together and we will get into some kind of routine soon.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Giveaway Time!

 Yay! Here we go people, this is my first give away. Wanna know what you are going to win don't cha?..........

First I will torture you and tell you the conditions of the contest.

1. Leave me comment ...... yada, yada, yada the normal stuff.Also leave me the colors you would like your little present to be. You will see why in the end.

2. Subscribe to the blog.

3. Post about my giveaway on your blog.

Simple huh? Yeah as I said  yada yada normal stuff.

Oh yes, and now on to what you win. I am sorry if these pictures are not the best quality but hey I don't have a blog for photography if you want to see that you are on the wrong one. Sorry you hit a whammy turn back now and then take a left. Maybe over to Pioneer Woman. Sorry couldn't help myself I absolutely love her sight, and if I not suppose to plug her sight sorry again I am still a newbie by rights. I have only been at this for under a year now.

Ok, ok, I will stop all that now. Here is my new baby project and what you will be winning.

Oh and by the way these were my starter flowers. I am much better now. Also my Korker bows they are fuller now, well as of last night lol. So leave the comment specify colors, prints. and the inches across you would like them to be. I will be using the random generator thingy mabobber, and picking three people.

Ya'll have a blessed day.

Yeah I shoulg get a life and then maybe I would not link up with everything out there.

[Wordless Wednesday[6].jpg]

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My mom sent this to me tonight and I thought it was cute and would share it with you.

Awesome Mom
Once you have been hit, you have to hit 5 awesome Moms.. 
Including the one who thought of YOU today and sent it to YOU... 
If you get hit again, You will know you are Really awesome!
So hit 5 awesome moms on your friends list to let them know they are awesome

Before I was a Mom,
I never tripped over toys 
or forgot words to a lullaby. 
I didn't worry whether or not 
my plants were poisonous. 
I never thought about immunizations.

Before I was a Mom,
I had never been puked on. 
Pooped on. 
Chewed on. 
Peed on. 
I had complete control of my mind 
and my thoughts. 
I slept all night

Before I was a Mom,
I never held down a screaming child 
so doctors could do tests. 
Or give shots. 
I never looked into teary eyes and cried. 
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin. 
I never sat up late hours at night 
watching a baby sleep

Before I was a Mom,
I never held a sleeping baby just because 
I didn't want to put her down. 
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces 
when I couldn't stop the hurt. 
I never knew that something so small 
could affect my life so much. 
I never knew that I could love someone so much. 
I never knew I would love being a Mom

Before I was a Mom,
I didn't know the feeling of 
having my heart outside my body.. 
I didn't know how special it could feel 
to feed a hungry baby. 
I didn't know that bond 
between a mother and her child. 
I didn't know that something so small 
could make me feel so important and happy

Before I was a Mom,
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night 
every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay. 
I had never known the warmth, 
the joy, 
the love, 
the heartache, 
the wonderment 
or the satisfaction of being a Mom. 
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much, 
before I was a Mom

May you always be overwhelmed by the Grace of God rather than by the cares of life

First Random of April, 2010

First Random of April, 2010

1. Define a great relationship.
One that is carefully thought about and worked on.Being able to be who you are together or apart. Not just being content but being excited to see them every time they walk in the door.

2. Why is it called a "drive-through" if you have to stop? (Real question: What was the last food/drink you purchased at a drive-through?)
Ice cream and a moo latte from Dairy Queen,

3. As I type this, the Butler Bulldogs are getting ready to play in the NCAA championship game. Every Hoosier is hysterical about this except me. So in honor of the Bulldogs ... what is your favorite breed of dog? (I tried.)
Australian Shepherds

4. If you had to move to a state besides the one you currently live in, where would you move?
        My husband and I both would like to have a cattle ranch in Montana, But the is kinda an if we win the lottery kinda thing.

5. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
                 Being an only child. I think I would have liked having a brother or sister.

6. Who's the funniest person you know?
            I would have to say my son. He can crack me up at any given moment.

7. Did you get enough sleep last night?
              I think so but could have used a little more.

8. What's the first thing you thought about this morning?
            Getting out of bed without waking the kids.

9. Grilled or Fried? --HONESTLY
           Fried, grilled is always slimy

10. Are you afraid of the dark?
11.When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
           A stay at home mom. I got what I wanted, how many people can say that.

12. If you had one word to describe yourself , what would you choose?

Simple Womans Daybook.

I have gotten I bit behind on these, shame on me. If anyone else would like to participate here is the link.  

Outside my window... There is sunshine and birds singing. Everything is washed clean by the storm last night.
I am thinking... About thing that I need to get done today.
I am thankful kids and the wonderful Easter they had.
From the kitchen...a hot cup of coffee for me, a bowl of cereal for Sean, and toast for Jessie.
I am wearing...Jammies, goodness it is only 8 am.
I am creating...Flower headbands and corker bows
I am going... Outside to clean out the car.
I am reading... nothing at the moment, I am waiting for a couple of books to arrive. One from Book Sneeze, and the other from a great giveaway by Suzanne Woods Fisher
I am hoping... That is does not rain today.
I am hearing... A three year teasing his sister.
Around the house...We are building a new porch so there will probably be banging later.
One of my favorite things...little girls in pretty dresses.
A few plans for the rest of the week:this week must be an off week I don't really have any, well I will have to come up with some thing to do with the kids.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter

Well this insanely busy week is coming to an end now (I hope).The porch now has three walls up and is just waiting on a door, flooring, and screens and then that will be complete. I have my laundry almost all done , which has been and incredible amount of going up and down the stairs and I am now about to clean the house so we can all have a nice Easter morning. The baskets are filled and the eggs are hid.

 Tomorrow morning we will get up hopefully with daddy home to enjoy the fun, check out the baskets that the Easter bunny has left and go outside for an easter egg hunt. In the Afternoon we will be going to my husbands uncle's house where will eat, enjoy family, and have another egg hunt. I think I am going to get off this thing now and go clean . May your baskets be full and your day be blessed. Happy Easter Ya'll!

Essentials for Life by Marcia Ford


My Comments:

 This book definitely made me step back and think. It was very inspiring and I loved the quotes at the sides of the pages. After waiting quite along time for it to arrive, I really enjoyed reading it.

Your Back-to-Basics Guide to What Matters Most
Trade Paper with French Flaps
True enjoyment in life is found by focusing on the essentials.
A growing number of people recognize their need for a reliable guide for their life's journey. Essentials for Life fills that need by helping readers get back to the basics of what matters most with a fresh perspective on four core essentials of the Christian life:
  • What do I believe?
  • How do I grow closer to God?
  • What should my character and life reflect?
  • How do I live my life every day?
Essentials for Life offers fifty daily or weekly readings that each include a key life-guide principle, scripture and quotes, meditation, an interesting fact, and a unique application suggestion. Each discussion offers hope and a sense of peace and well-being by focusing on life with an eternal perspective.
The content offers spiritual truth while the interior graphic design, which includes sidebars and visuals, enhances the readability and the impact of each core essential.

So the renovation to out porch is very much underway right now.

 Here is a picture of the problem:

Just a little bit rotten wouldn't ya say?

Anyways Wall number 1 and two went up yesterday.

Can't wait to sit and drink coffee out here in this wonderful weather we are having after such a long winter.