Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's Random Dozen Time!

1. When was the last time you craved a food--what was it, and did you cave?
Last Night. It was hot chocolate, and I had some it was wonderful.

2. M & M's or Skittles?
Either depending on what mood I am in. Although I have to say skittles ranks a little higher,

3. Have you ever read the Bible completely through?
No I want to though

4. How long does it take you to really wake up in the morning?
I get right out of bed and get about my day always have.

5. Have you ever been on a cruise? If not, would you like to?
No I have not been on one but I get really bad motion sickness so I don;t know if I would want to.

6. Who is your favorite actress?
Sandra Bullock

7. ______ is something that I will just never understand.
Video games, and anime

8. How much of a technology junkie are you?
Not at all, I can get around on a computer just fine but that is where it ends.

9. Do you enjoy selecting greeting cards for people, or is it more of a cultural "have to" for you?
I enjoy it I usually go for a funny one.

10. When was the last time you got a new style/haircut?
About a month ago.

11. What do you enjoy shopping for most?
Clothes for my kids. But I also enjoy grocery shopping.

12. What's the last thing you think of before you leave the house?
Do I have my bank card?

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